Language 42

Unleashed Speed and Power...

"Beer is proof that God loves us, and wants us to be happy" - Ben Franklin


A New Direction in Computation

"Language 42" is a computer language under development.  We believe it has potential to be quite revolutionary.  Language 42 has six primary goals:

  • Foster extreme code reuse
  • Run much faster than C
  • Compile to both software and hardware
  • Run faster on reconfigurable computers
  • Allow users to extend the language
  • Support parallel programming

42 borrows heavily from C, Python, Verilog, and DataDraw.  It will run faster than plain-old-C for memory-intensive applications, just like DataDraw based applications do today.  The language is designed with hardware-description features as well as programming features, and even classes can be compiled into efficiently executing hardware.  Our hope is that even the compiler could run faster on a reconfigurable FPGA-based computers than traditional computers.  42 takes extensibility to the next level: there are almost no language constructs which cannot be added by users as a library.  For example, support for classes is in a library, not the core language.  Parallel programming is supported in a hardware-description style, where processes communicate through signals.

Until the initial compiler is completed, there wont be any user-manual for 42.  However, the language reference documentation is being developed in parallel with the compiler.  To view the current state of the project, sign-out the source code:

    svn co l42

The langauge documentation can be found in the doc directory, which you can view on-line here.  You can also view the example code.

Extreme Code reuse

This example shows how 42 can reuse linked-list code:

    Class A

    Class B

    relationship A B linkedList

The "relationship" declaration is syntactic sugar for an equivalent "reuse" declaration:

    reuse LinkedList

        Parent -> A
        Child -> B

In short, it says to use package "LinkedList" as a template, even though it is not declared with any special template syntax.  Replace the "Parent" class with "A", and the "Child" class with "B".  The result is that class A gets a "first" pointer to class B, and class B gets a "next" pointer.  42's reuse declaration allows multiple classes to be modified at the same time, making simple constructs like traditional linked-lists very simple to implement.  The resulting code is as fast and simple as hand-coded C.  In addition, the LinkedList code spcified that we need to remove objects of type B from linked lists on A when we destroy them.  In general, users never have to write destructors, or worry about dangling pointers, or live with a speed hit due to garbage collection.

Extending 42

Users can extend 42 in pretty much any way possible.  The 42 compiler uses a GLR-like parser which can be extended by the user at any time.  For example, to add a new operator "**", you could write

        orExpr: xorExpr '**' orExpr -> functionCall:[power, 1, 2]

This tells 42 compiler that '**' should call the function "power" when it sees the "**" operator.  In general, extending 42 is done through describing new syntax, and writing code to transform the parse tree into equivalent code which does not rely on the new feature.  The final parse tree is in terms of a simple subset of 42, called Core 42, which can trivially be translated into C, and which makes a good hardware description language for behavioral synthesis tools.



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